Myofascial Release
The fascial system is an uninterrupted network of densely woven soft tissue fibres that is attached from the inner aspects of the skull all the way down to the soles of the feet. It has the appearance of a spiders web and on its 3D path through the body, it supports, protects and connects every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, vein as well as all of our internal organs.
This 3D network gives you strength, flexibility and stability, meaning that no part of the body exists in isolation
We can begin to see how the whole body is connected and how the fascial can be likened to the thread of a jumper holding the garment together.
If we stress one part of our body in anyway by over use, poor posture, injury or trauma causing scar tissue, the myofascia begins to solidify and shorten causing myofascial restrictions within the network. It will slowly tighten, spreading tension throughout your whole body causing a "straight jacket" effect.
This pressure causes the fascia to twist and turn pulling the body out of alignment and putting strain on the muscles, internal organs or joints inevitably causing pain and restricting movement.

Myfascial Release
Myofascial Release is a safe, gentle, hands-on treatment that works with your body to soften and release the restrictions that cause pain, tension and inflammation, The gel like substance (the ground substance) within the fascia solidifies as previously mentioned but the gentle sustained pressure and warmth from a therapists hands allows the ground substance to become more fluid again allowing the fibres to soften and release.
This in turn allows fibres to elongate and unwind into their correct position again increasing function, mobility and eliminating pain.
Lisa was trained by Ruth Duncan, a highly skilled and experienced Lecturer and owner of Myofascial Release UK who spent many years training with John F.Barns an American Physiotherapist, who developed this innovative and highly effective whole body approach for treatment of pain dysfunction.
The technique involves sustained gentle pressure with gentle stretches which are held for approximately 5 minutes. This is sometimes combined with other soft tissue techniques incorporated into the treatment plan.
The treatment aim is to release restrictions and scar tissue that could of been present for many years or are more recent. As the fascia softens a release can be felt in various parts of the body or sometimes with very subtle releases you may not be aware of anything happening .

Chronic fatigue
Plantar Fasciitis
Pelvic Pain
Scar tissue
Postural Problems
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Pain with no obvious reason
What to expect from a treatment:
During the first treatment and consultation which can take as long as 90 minutes, a full medical history will be taken ( to save time, this can be emailed to you and returned to myself prior to treatment ).
This is a treatment where the therapist needs contact with the skin so shorts and a bra top or loose vest for ladies and shorts for men. Treatment will begin with your posture being assessed and restrictions in movement noted. I will discuss your treatment and what your expectations are. This is not a quick fix treatment and more than one maybe necessary the longer you have had symptoms generally the longer it can take to resolve it but we are all different.
During treatment it is important to communicate with me and tell me what you are feeling so that I can follow and work with your body.
Some people feel immediate benefits after the treatment, while others find that symptoms change over the next couple of days
Everybody will respond in their own way.
Occasionally, symptoms may get worse before they get better. This is a normal response to treatments like this that affect the whole body and is nothing to worry about. Drinking plenty of water can help, as can listening to what your body needs.