Facial Reflexology
A unique and thorough complimentary therapy working on the face. The part of the body that reflects how you feel and presents you to the world.
Face reflexology uses a combination of acupuncture points, Chinese meridians, Andean tribal body maps and nerve points to create a deeply relaxing and effective treatment.
Using only the fingertips and natural oil, it focuses on identifying and balancing the root cause of your health problems - not just the symptom. Working on the face is in close proximity to the brain and central nervous system which increases the ability to stimulate the healing process more effectively.
Another advantage of working on the face is that the result is a glowing complexion due to the increased blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
As with other therapies a consultation will take place to establish a persons health and wellbeing. Followed by stimulation of facial acupuncture points to awaken the nerve structure and increase circulation.
This is proceeded by stimulation using various traditional face maps which aim to initiate the healing process to balance your physical and psychological wellbeing. Following the first treatment, a plan of additional points and procedures and will be made for your specific needs which will then be used on subsequent treatments. A course of treatment is often advised for best results.
Since this is a rebalancing treatment anyone can benefit and there are no long term contra indications. You do not need to have a health issue to enjoy the treatment. Children may respond well and it has been used to assist with reducing over active behaviour and to help with learning difficulties
Any stress or hormonal imbalances may benefit and not forgetting the benefits for your SKIN.
Skin may become more radiant and toned with many people commenting on looking more youthful.